Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fruit Salsa Salad

The great thing about salads is that you can throw in whatever fruits and vegetables you find at your local farmer's market, in your garden, or in the grocery store if need be. This recipe, from the owners of the Culinary Apple in Chelan, lends well to fresh substitutions.

Fruit Salsa Salad
Prep time: 30 minutes
Serves 6

Fruit Salsa
1/2 cup chopped sweet onion
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
2 medium diced Fuji apples
2 cups blueberries
1 fresh orange, peeled, sectioned and cut into small pieces

1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons apple juice
1/3 cup red wine vinegar

1 1/4 cups mixed baby salad greens
1/2 cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheese

Gently stir all fruit salsa ingredients together.
Whisk dressing ingredients together, pour over the fruit salsa and let stand for 10 minutes.
Divide the greens onto 6 chilled plates, spoon fruit salsa over salad greens and top with cheese.

Recipe contributed to Savoring Chelan: Pairing Local Wines with Regional Recipes by Mary Weldy of the Culinary Apple in Chelan. Click here for their website and to buy Savoring Chelan from their online store.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds delicious! We will have to try it out soon!
    Rob & Carrie Frank
    Pine River Ranch Bed and Breakfast
    Leavenworth, Washington
